- Review of Ferry Yakushima2 | Orita Kisen | Japan’s Overnight Ferry Experience | Yakushima – Kagoshima
Ferry Yakushima 2 (フェリー屋久島2) is operated by Orita Kisen (折田汽船) and began service on the Miyanoura Po...
- Review of Hankyu Ferry Settsu | Japan’s Ferry Experience | Fukuoka – Kobe
Hankyu Ferry SETTSU began service on the Shinmoji-Kobe route, connecting Kitakyushu City in Fukuoka ...
- Review of Meimon Taiyo Ferry Kitakyushu II | Japan’s Overnight Ferry Experience | Osaka – Fukuoka
Ferry Kitakyushu II (フェリーきたきゅうしゅうII) is a ferry that connects Fukuoka to Osaka aboard City Line Meim...
- Review of Ferry Chikushi | Kyushu Yusen | Japan’s Overnight Ferry Experience | Fukuoka – Tsushima
Ferry Chikushi (フェリーちくし) is operated by Kyushu Yusen (九州郵船) and connects Hakata Port,Fukuoka (福岡 博多港...
- Review of Ferry Osaka II | Meimon Taiyo Ferry | Japan’s Overnight Ferry Experience | Fukuoka – Tsushima
Ferry Osaka II (フェリーおおさかII)operated by City Line Meimon Taiyo Ferry (名門大洋フェリー) began service on...